Robert Ehrenberg

I was granted clemency after serving nearly 30 years of a 50 years to life sentence. During my incarceration, I built a foundation through Hudson Link's college program. After completing with two college degrees, an Associates in Humanities from Sullivan Community College and a Bachelors in Social Science from St. Thomas Aquinas College, I authored an algebra course for higher learning institutions, rehabilitative tools for DOCCS, and created a new inmate organization, the Academic Scholarship Organization, which generates educational funding for underprivileged children of incarcerated persons. Since my release, I have continued to advocate to bring home so many individuals of worth that I left behind. I've also dedicated my time to eliminating food insecurity within our communities, building transitional housing for newly released incarcerated men and women, and acting as an ambassador to nonprofits like G.I.A. (Gift It Away) and the SSFC (Sing Sing Family Collective) to eliminate furniture poverty and supply sustenance to incarcerated individuals and their families. My determination to advocate for social change is relentless as I awaken each day in the free world asking God to guide me in His mission.