Judy Clark

I was originally sentenced to 75 years to life, and served 37 1⁄2 years, primarily at Bedford Hills Correctional Facility. I received clemency in 2017 and was released on parole in 2019. I currently work as the Community Justice Advocate for Hour Children, which oversees the Children's Center programs in Bedford Hills and Taconic women's prisons and at Rikers Island jail, and provides housing, family reunification and services for women emerging from incarceration and their children. Representing Hour Children on a variety of coalition efforts, I work on legislative and policy changes critical to women and their families impacted by the criminal legal system. I also welcome and work with recently released women at Hour Children to support their transition into the community. I am a senior consultant for the Women and Justice Project, and on the advisory boards of the Survivors Justice Project and Osborne Association's Justice Across Generations. I am also on the Community Action Board of the Hope Community Doula Program's subcommittee on Housing and Incarceration, based ni Elmhurst Hospital. I am a guest instructor at Union Theological Seminary and a Visiting Scholar at the CUNY Graduate Center.