Greg Mingo

My original sentence was 50 years to life, and I received clemency on August 23, 2021, after serving over forty years for a wrongful conviction. My case for exoneration is pending with the Conviction Review Unit of the Queens County District Attorney. Since coming home, I work as a Senior Advisor for CUNY Law School's Second Look Project assisting with clemency applications, as a Community Leader for Release Aging People in Prion (RAPP), and I volunteer my time building transitional housing for Hudson-Link for Higher Education in Prison Project. I am also a Senior Advisor for "It's About Time", a collaborative effort of five organizations focused on promoting clemency for people serving life or long-term sentences who have been able to avail themselves of college education while incarcerated. I have also had the opportunity to travel across the country as a spokesperson for the Innocence Project about the challenges facing the wrongly convicted.