Colin Absolam

I received a sentence of 25 years to life on December 4, 1997. On January 29, 2020, I received a Gubernatorial Pardon by former Governor Andrew Cuomo. At the time of my release, I had served over 25 years in prison.

Since returning home, I have been eager to be a law-abiding, productive, and tax-paying member of society. Through Exodus Transitional Community, I have provided transitional services to individuals being released from prisons and jails. I have also worked as a group facilitator and supervised case management and de-escalation services. Currently, I am a Facility Linkage Specialist with the Osborne Association, connecting individuals being released from prison/jails with services specific to their individual medical conditions.

In addition, I contribute to my community through weekly volunteer services at a food pantry. I also tutor elders in the community seeking to obtain their GED. Finally, I provide counseling, emotional, and spiritual support as a Crisis Response Chaplain with the US/NYS Chaplain Task Force, working in conjunction with FEMA.

I would not had this opportunity to positively impact the lives of so many people had I not been granted a pardon. On a more personal note, receiving a gubernatorial pardon made it possible for me to finally support my family who suffered for decades because of my past poor choices. The positive impact of clemency on the community is very present in the men and women of this group. I hope our individual and collective voices demonstrate the importance of granting more clemencies.

I would not had this opportunity to positively impact the lives of so many people had I not been granted a pardon.
— Colin